Atelier de Artes ANGELO HASSE
CNPJ: 14.068.278/0001-05
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51 33333294 - 91074429
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April 10th to May 6thArt Gallery CA
The International Surrealism Now is an initiative of the surrealist painter of Coimbra, Santiago Ribeiro, who has devoted much of his time to the promotion of international surrealism of 21st century, which is currently in Portugal and worldwide.
Thus has invited artists from all parts of the planet in order to participate in this project and then has received works of artist from various countries.
The International Surrealism Now began in 2010 in Coimbra, where Santiago Ribeiro prepared a major exhibition organized by the Bissaya Barreto Foundation. This same event was also already in Conímbriga in Paris with the support of GAPP-Art Gallery Portugal Present and Liba WS, once again organized by the Bissaya Barreto Foundation and Santiago Ribeiro, organized in Moscow by Andrei Nekrasov, in Madrid in support Yamal Din and followed to Setúbal and then to Amadora in great Lisbon in November, and the exhibition continues to grow in participants.
Andrei Nekrasov is President of the "International Centre of Arts by Andrei Nekrasov" ("MCIAN"), Andrei Nekrasov - the world famous popularizer of Surrealism in Russia and abroad, "the most shocking and iconic artist and gallery owner of the Moscow underground", artist-surrealist-esoteric.Author and organizer of the "GEYSERS OF SUBCONSCIOUSNESS" The International Vanguard-Surrealistic-Esoteric Art Proect, is held regularly since 2007 in the central galleries and exhibition halls of Moscow, brought together more than a 100 artists surrealists, vanguards, esoterics, symbolists, mystics and abstractionists from Russia andaround the world.
Santiago Ribeiro urged the partnership of artist Victor Lages, who has developed the project Utopia of Fantastic Art, with the purpose of organizing this exhibition in Lisbon region, which has happened in Setúbal and now in the Art Gallery CA in the heart of Lisbon.Among the participating artists are: Isabel Meyrelles born in Matosinhos 1929. She studied sculpture with the Masters Américo Gomes and António Duarte. Settled in Paris in 1950, continuing his studies at the Université René Descartes - Paris V-Sorbonne and l'École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts. In 1952 she studied with Master Zadkine Sculpture in the 'Grande-Chaumiere' in Paris. And made part of the surrealist movement, which she believes immortal. The French surrealism (whose engine was André Breton), Isabel watching them all such as with your friend Triston Tzara, but without leaving the Portuguese surrealist movement, living in friendship with António Pedro, O'Neill, Cesariny, Cruzeiro Seixas, among others, and also with Eugénio de Andrade and Natália Correia, as having published several books. Poetry is therefore an integral part of her life.
The International Surrealism Now account right now with artists from 27 countries: Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Brazil, Canada, China, Spreads, USA, Philippines, France, Holland, Indonesia, England, Iran, Iceland, Italy, Mexico , New Zealand, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Ukraine and Vietnam.
Isabel Meyrelles was awarded Commander of the Order of Sant´iago da Espada by the President of the Portuguese Republic.
By way of tribute, as it has recently died, Daniel Hanequand, is also one of the leading names in international surrealism of 20th and 21st centuries. Born in Paris in 1938, but still young, he moved to Canada. Julie Oakes said in 2007: Daniel Hanequand threw out the old and created a new sociology with the arrogance of a true revolutionary French. He was released from the forms "boring" and established and invented a different race of humanoid and then put the relations of these beings, in a context with its own creation. Oleg Korolev, Russian artist of high artistic level, was the contact link to the participation of artists of the "Surrealism Now" in Russia.
Otto Rapp is an Austrian artist, surrealist with his "Art of the mystic" and develops the project Visionary Art Gallery..
All other artists in great quality and talent are on the list that follows below.
The Art Gallery CA, is managed by the Centre for Culture and Sport from the Agricultural Credit, association created in the universe of the Agricultural Credit Group in order to promote cultural, physical, intellectual and civic its associates, through cultural, sports and solidarity activities. It features an art gallery, Gallery CA located in the headquarters of the Central Agricultural Credit and conducts various exhibitions and other events throughout the year with artists already conceptualized and launch also new talents
The opening is scheduled for 17.30 hours of the day April 10, 2013 at the Art Gallery CA, Rua Castilho, 233/233 A - 1099-044 Lisbon (on top of Parque Eduardo VII ).
Tel: 213 809 900/213 860 006, Fax: 213 870 840, Email:
The exhibition can be visited from Monday to Friday, from 9:00 am to 19.30 pm daily until May 6, 2013.
Participating artistsAlexander Varganov - Russia
Anastasia Fomina - Belarus
Andrei Nekrasov - Russia
Andrew Baines – Australia
Brigid Marlin - England
Daila Lupo – Italy
Dan Neamu - Romania
Daniel Hanequand - Canada
Daniele Gori - Italy
Edgar Invoker - Russia
Egill Eibsen - Iceland
Farhad Jafari – Iran
Francisco Urbano - Portugal
Gromyko Semper - Philippines
Héctor Pineda - Mexico
Hugues Gillet - France
Isabel Meyrelles – Portugal
Keith Wigdor – United States
Konstantin Shahanov - Russia
Leo Plaw - Germany
Liba WS - France
Luís Fernandes - Portugal
Lv Shang – China
Maciej Hoffman - Poland
Magi Calhoun – United States
Maria Aristova – Russia
Martina Hoffman - Germany
Mehriban Efendi - Azerbaijan
Naiker Roman - Spain
Nazareno Stanislau - Brazil
Octavian Florescu – Romania
Oleg korolev – Russia
Otto Rapp - Austria
Paula Rosa - Portugal
Rudolf Boelee – New Zealand
Rui Silvares - Portugal
Santiago Ribeiro - Portugal
Sergey Tyukanov - Rússia
Shahla Rosa - United States
Shan Zhulan - China
Sio Shisio - Indonesia
Slavko Krunic - Serbia
Sônia Menna Barreto - Brazil
Steve Smith – United States
Svetlana Kislyachenko - Ukraine
Ton Haring - Netherlands
Victor Lages - Portugal
Vu Huyen Thuong - Vietnam
Yamal Din - Spain
Yuri Tsvetaev - Russia
Zoran Velimanovic – Serbia
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Felinos em nanquim
O artista plástico Maumau participa do projeto Quadro Branco
Quadro Branco - Felinos
Com Maumau (Maurício Gonçalves)
Vernissagem dia 01 de abril, segunda-feira, às 19h
Visitação de 02 de abril a 24 de maio, de segunda a sexta, das 9h às 19h
StudioClio – Instituto de Arte e Humanismo
Rua José do Patrocínio, 698 – Cidade Baixa – (51) 3254 7200
O projeto Quadro Branco apresenta o trabalho do Ilustrador Maumau no StudioClio. Parceria do instituto com o Museu do Trabalho e a Cerveja Coruja, o Quadro Branco convida a cada dois meses um artista do cenário cultural da capital gaúcha para expor uma obra no StudioClio. A vernissagem desta edição acontece no dia 1 de abril, segunda-feira, às 19h.
A obra intitulada "Felinos" utiliza a técnica de desenho com carvão e nanquim sobre papel. "A inspiração felina para a obra veio da observação diária dos sete gatos que habitam a casa onde eu moro. As listras do tigre guiaram a minha visão para a execução em alto contraste, um jogo de figura e fundo em pinceladas vigorosas, lembrando a caligrafia japonesa."
A mostra fica aberta para visitação 2 de abril a 24 de maio, de segunda a sexta, das 9h às 19h. A entrada é franca. O StudioClio fica na Rua José do Patrocínio, 698 – Cidade Baixa. Mais informações pela página ou pelo telefone (51) 32547200.
Maumau (Maurício Gonçalves)
Ilustrador e quadrinista. Editor e co-autor da revista "Adeus, Tia Chica!", indicada ao Prêmio HQMix em 2009. Foi professor de ilustração e coordenador da Quanta Academia de Artes – Unidade Porto Alegre. Participou de diversos eventos relacionados a HQ (Viñetas Sueltas em Buenos Aires, Crack Bang Boom em Rosario, na Argentina, Rio Comicon, FIQ em Belo Horizonte, Multiverso Comicon em Porto Alegre). Desenhista das HQs "Inside the Favelas" e "Inside the Maré", para o site holandês Cartoon Movement. Já foi curador da Usina de Criação, evento integrante da Feira do Livro de Canoas, nos anos 2011 e 2012. Atualmente escreve o roteiro da adaptação de Peter Pan para os quadrinhos (em produção), pela editora 8 Inverso.
As galerias 1500 Gallery, Galeria LUME e Paralelo participam da edição de 2013 da SP-Arte, apresentando, cada qual em seu stand, suas respectivas especialidades, da fotografia à arte contemporânea.
Entre os destaques da 1500 para a edição de 2013 da feira estão fotografias dos brasileiros Bruno Cals, Hirosuke Kitamura e Julio Bittencourt, além de obras da dupla alemã Bernd e Hilla Becher.
A Galeria LUME, por sua vez, apresenta trabalhos dos fotógrafos Martin Parr e Harry Benson, da Inglaterra, Laurent Chérère, da França, e John Crawford, da Nova Zelândia, além de série inédita do brasileiro Penna Prearo.
Já a Paralelo investe numa diversidade de suportes e gerações, exibindo em seu stand obras tridimensionais de Emanoel Araujo e Fernando Ribeiro, fotografias de Ivan Cardoso, Rodrigo Petrella e Deborah Anderson e obras em técnica mista de Carolina Caliento.
O material completo sobre a participação das galerias na SP-Arte 2013 segue em anexo.
SP-Arte 2013 – de 04 a 07 de abril de 2012
1500 Gallery – stand A08
Galeria LUME – stand J01
Paralelo – stand B05
Pavilhão da Bienal – Parque do Ibirapuera, São Paulo, SP
Horário: 04 e 05 de abril, das 14 às 22h; 06 e 07 de abril, das 12h às 20h
um desenho do ilustrador e quadrinista Maumau
no Café do Studio – StudioClio
inaugura dia 1º de abril, segunda, às 19 horas
não se faça de bobo e apareça!
segunda a sexta, das 9h00 às 19h00.
José do Patrocínio, 698. Cidade Baixa. Porto Alegre
Natalício Cavalo
um espetáculo épico sobre morte, amor e memória
no elenco Heinz Limaverde Lisandro Bellotto Marina Mendo
Priscilla Colombi Marcelo Mertins Rossendo Rodrigues
direção Patrícia Fagundes
curta temporada no Museu, de 12 a 21 de abril,
sextas, sábados e domingos, às 21 horas
projeto contemplado no Prêmio Myriam Muniz 2012 de Teatro, da Funarte
o Museu promove:
Consórcio de Gravurasuma maneira bem acessível de adquirir obras de arte originais
e ajudar a prover uma instituição cultural
Cursos no Museunão transformamos você em artista, mas lhe ensinamos as técnicas
litografia xilogravura serigrafia gravura em metal escultura