terça-feira, 30 de abril de 2013

Fwd: MECA Convida - 2ª Palestra Cinema Experimental







Curso de Cinema Experimental: O Tempo das Imagens integra a programação da COART em 2013. Promovido pelo B³ com apoio da Diretoria de Memória, Educação, Cultura e Arte da Fundação Joaquim Nabuco e do Funcultura, o curso é constituído de 13 palestras, com duração aproximada de 3 horas cada (19-22h). Nelas, o cineasta e ensaísta Yann Beauvais irá desenvolver temas diversos sobre a imagem em movimento. 

O título O Tempo das Imagens refere-se a uma exposição consagrada ao trabalho do cineasta Malcolm Le Grice, para quem a prática do cinema ultrapassa o uso clássico do cinema do divertimento. Temas frequentes na escrita do autor serão ampliados para pensar as imagens como modalidade da 'duração', abrindo uma pluralidade de possibilidades para um fazer cinema diferente.

A segunda palestra do curso acontece na Sala João Cardoso Ayres, na FUNDAJ - Derby e tem como título: Filmes de Viagem - entre turismo e colonialismo.

Peter Kubelka, Cécile Fontaine, Lisl Ponger... Do caderno de notas ao filme de viagem, cineastas se interessam em mostrar os espaços e os lugares que eles descobrem. Seus filmes refletem situações das quais os cineastas tiveram uma consciência tardia. A descoberta de lugares e habitantes marca a fascinação do outro como exótico.

Venham conferir!

Curso de Cinema Experimental: O Tempo das Imagens
2ª Palestra: Filmes de Viagem - entre turismo e colonialismo.
Sala João Cardoso Ayres
Dia 07/05/2013
Horário: 19h às 22h
Fundação Joaquim Nabuco
Rua Henrique Dias, n° 609 – Derby • Recife/PE




Telas Gaudí Ind. Com. de telas e Materiais para Pintura Artística
Rua Cabral, 291 - Bairro Rio Branco - Porto Alegre/RS
51 33333294 - 91074429 

Fwd: Two Cabinet Events: Panel / “In Defense of Forgetting,” with Simon Critchley, Barbara Frischmuth, and George Prochnik + Workshop and Presentation / “Creative Destruction Consultancy”

Dear friends of Cabinet,

We hope you can join us for one or both of the following events.

• Friday, 3 May 2013, 7–9 pm: Panel / "In Defense of Forgetting," with Simon Critchley, Barbara Frischmuth, and George Prochnik

• Saturday, 4 May 2013, 11 am – 6 pm: Workshop and Presentation / "Creative Destruction Consultancy"

See below for details.


Panel / "In Defense of Forgetting," with Simon Critchley, Barbara Frischmuth, and George Prochnik
Date: Friday, 3 May 2013, 7–9 pm
Location: Joe's Pub, 425 Lafayette Street, New York (map here)
$15 ($12 for members of PEN International, tickets here)

Cabinet is pleased to present "In Defense of Forgetting," a panel organized for the PEN World Voices Festival of International Literature.

In The Book of Laughter and Forgetting, Milan Kundera wrote: "The struggle of man against power is the struggle of memory against forgetting." This perspective—one that bears the marks of life under a totalitarian regime in which repression often took the form of enforced forgetting—assumes that remembering is always a virtue and that not doing so is necessarily a failing. But despite dominating much of the debate on cultural memory, this perspective elides the many differences between all the various acts that we cluster under the term "forgetting." Are all acts of forgetting similar enough that we can think of them, always and necessarily, as a failure? Can forgetting in fact even be a virtue? How do we understand the relationship between what needs to be forgotten in order for other things to be remembered? This panel, featuring Simon Critchley, Barbara Frischmuth, and George Prochnik, will explore how the humanities and the sciences engage with the various functions and values of forgetting.

Presented in association with the Public Theater and cosponsored by the Writer's Foundry at St. Joseph's College, Brooklyn, NY.

Writers from across the globe convene in New York City to explore bravery in art, politics and personal life. Chaired by Salman Rushdie, this year's festival examines writers' impact on political transformations in recent global hot spots—Burma, Palestine, South Africa, Haiti, and Guantanamo Bay—as well as honor small acts of bravery displayed in daily life. Join us for a variety of events including panel discussions, one-on-one conversations, participatory workshops and performances at venues crisscrossing the city. PEN will feature several events in association with The Public Theater, a center for culture, arts and ideas, and will partner with The Standard, High Line and The Standard, East Village, which will serve as a Festival hub.


Workshop and Presentation / "Creative Destruction Consultancy"
Date: Saturday, 4 May 2013, 11 am – 6 pm
Location: New Museum StreetFest, corner of park at Houston St and Forsythe St, New York
FREE. NO RSVP required.

For its project for the New Museum's 2013 IDEAS CITY, Cabinet magazine has offered its booth to representatives from the Institute for Creative Destruction. The institute, which traces its roots to the work of the Cold-War Austrian-American economist Joseph Schumpeter, works in various ways to support research, teaching, and innovative thought at the fertile junction of innovation and annihilation. In what ways can disruptive forms of ennervation and excess be assimilated to orderly production? How can unpredictable and destructive insurgencies generate positive ROI? What is the best way to yoke degenerative autolytic processes to dynamic growth? These are the questions that motivate the thinkers associated with the Institute, and these are the problems that guide its diverse range of creative and destructive efforts.

The most significant public face of the Institute is its consulting agency, the Creative Destruction Consultancy ("Where the end is always a means"). This is a unique consultancy, grounded in the ecstatic traditions of the avant-garde, which specializes in delivering carefully aimed blows to complicated organizations, the kind of interventions that can bring out an institution's natural and generative healing processes.

The CDC's dynamic engagement staff has an extensive background in performance art, ludic activism, and parodic mischief, and decades of experience orchestrating subtle and unpredictable insurgencies in companies small and large.

The enormous range of untapped resources for creative destruction represent a vital future resource, as representatives of the IDC will demonstrate at the 2013 IDEAS CITY Streetfest. Come and learn (and even volunteer). Consider bringing documents or other material in need of generative obliteration.


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Join Cabinet on Facebook.

Cabinet, a non-profit organization based in Brooklyn, receives generous support from the Lambent Foundation, the Orphiflamme Foundation, the New York State Council on the Arts, the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, the National Endowment for the Arts, the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, the Katchadourian Foundation, Goldman Sachs Gives, and the Danielson Foundation.

300 Nevins Street
Brooklyn NY 11217

Telas Gaudí Ind. Com. de telas e Materiais para Pintura Artística
Rua Cabral, 291 - Bairro Rio Branco - Porto Alegre/RS
51 33333294 - 91074429 

Fwd: [newsletter] GDM Tokyo Samedi 4 mai, Dorothy Iannone : Encore !

Du 4 mai au 17 juin 2013

GDM Tokyo  présente 


Un commissariat de Yves Brochard, 

vec l'aide précieuse de Florence Bonnefous (Air de Paris). 

Vernissage samedi 4 mai à partir de 18 heures

 Dorothy Iannone, In The East My Pleasure LiesEdition GDM...


Paris 17, rue Saint-Gilles 75003 +33 (0)148872177 
Du 26 avril au 15 juin 2013 : Stéphane Calais

Tokyo Palais de Tokyo 13, avenue du Président Wilson 75116 Paris
Du 4 mai au 17 juin 2013 :  Dorothy Iannone, Encore !
Un commissariat de Yves Brochard

Telas Gaudí Ind. Com. de telas e Materiais para Pintura Artística
Rua Cabral, 291 - Bairro Rio Branco - Porto Alegre/RS
51 33333294 - 91074429 

Fwd: SAVE THE DATE - Coleção Ruth e Paschoal Grieco - MAS/SP - 14 de Maio






Memória, Devoção e Brasilidade – Coleção Ruth e Paschoal Grieco



Museu de Arte Sacra de São Paulo



14 de Maio às 19h.

Telas Gaudí Ind. Com. de telas e Materiais para Pintura Artística
Rua Cabral, 291 - Bairro Rio Branco - Porto Alegre/RS
51 33333294 - 91074429 

segunda-feira, 29 de abril de 2013


Telas Gaudí Ind. Com. de telas e Materiais para Pintura Artística
Rua Cabral, 291 - Bairro Rio Branco - Porto Alegre/RS
51 33333294 - 91074429 


Prezados,  Boa tarde!

Venham participar do Ciclo de Palestras esse ano!

Começa em junho!

Divulguem e participem!





Ângela Fermiano



Museu de Arte Sacra dos Jesuítas

Tel.: +55  11  4704-2654





Largo dos Jesuítas, 67 - Centro

Cep.: 06803-360|  Embu das Artes - SP 



Telas Gaudí Ind. Com. de telas e Materiais para Pintura Artística
Rua Cabral, 291 - Bairro Rio Branco - Porto Alegre/RS
51 33333294 - 91074429 

Fwd: FórumMuBE |Arte|Hoje|Social

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adicione o email mube@mube.art.br ao seu catálogo de endereços.

A MuBE - Museu Brasileiro da Escultura respeita a sua privacidade e é contra o spam na rede.
Se você não deseja mais receber nossos e-mails, cancele sua inscrição aqui.

Telas Gaudí Ind. Com. de telas e Materiais para Pintura Artística
Rua Cabral, 291 - Bairro Rio Branco - Porto Alegre/RS
51 33333294 - 91074429 

quinta-feira, 25 de abril de 2013

Fwd: Método De Rose - Teatro MuBE Nova Cultural

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Telas Gaudí Ind. Com. de telas e Materiais para Pintura Artística
Rua Cabral, 291 - Bairro Rio Branco - Porto Alegre/RS
51 33333294 - 91074429 

Fwd: StudioClio - Curso inédito de Língua acádica e literatura mesopotâmica, com Kátia Pozzer

A primeira literatura

Oficina aborda história, literatura e mito da escrita cuneiforme

O StudioClio promove oficina de literatura inédita no país. A oficina "Língua acádica e literatura mesopotâmica", conduzida pela profª Drª Kátia Pozzer, explora a escrita cuneiforme, primeiro sistema de escrita registrado pela história, para compreender os primórdios da literatura.

A atividade parte de uma análise histórica do surgimento da escrita cuneiforme e das línguas mesopotâmicas, criando um panorama para compreender a formação dos escribas, da pedagogia e da realidade escolar. Os alunos receberão noções básicas da língua acádica e conhecerão a diversidade de composições literárias com leitura e análise de alguns mitos (Enûma Elish, O Poema de Erra, A Epopéia de Gilgamesh, Atra-hasîs e Inanna e Shukaletuda). A oficina encerra com a experiência prática de confecção de um tablete de argila, o principal suporte da escrita cuneiforme, e o exercício de escrita com um estilete de madeira.

A professora Kátia Pozzer é doutora em História pela Universidade Panthéon-Sorbonne, de Paris e atualmente trabalha como professora adjunta do curso de História da Universidade Luterana do Brasil. Especialista em escrita cuneiforme, língua acádica e literatura mesopotâmica, ela é referência na temática no Brasil.

Os encontros acontecem nos dias 7, 14, 21 e 28 de maio, terças-feiras, das 19h30 às 22h, no StudioClio (Rua José do Patrocínio, 698). Até o dia 30 de abril, os valores são de R$ 396,00 para o público em geral, e de R$ 356,00 para professores e estudantes. A partir de 1º de maio, os valores passam para R$ 435,00 para o público em geral, e de R$ 391,00 para professores e estudantes. Os valores podem ser parcelados em 3x no cartão ou no cheque.

Ao final do curso, será fornecido certificado Clio de 12h/aula. As inscrições podem ser feitas através da página www.studioclio.com.br. Mais informações pelo telefone 32547200.


Língua acádica e literatura mesopotâmica

Com Kátia Maria Paim Pozzer

Dias 7, 14, 21 e 28 de maio, terças-feiras, das 19h30 às 22h
StudioClio – Instituto de Arte e Humanismo

Rua José do Patrocínio, 698 – Cidade Baixa/Porto Alegre – (51) 32547200


Kátia Maria Paim Pozzer
Doutora em História pela Université de Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne) e Pós-doutora na Université de Paris X - Nanterre. É Professora do Curso de História da ULBRA e Coordenadora de Relações Internacionais desta Universidade. Atuou, em 2011, como Pesquisador Visitante no Grupo de Pesquisa Histoire et ARchéologie de l'Orient Cunéiforme (HAROC), na Maison René-Ginouvès, Arqueologia e Etnologia - CNRS,Université de Paris I - Panthéon-Sorbonne e Université de Paris Ouest-Nanterre - La Défense, na França. Publicou 22 artigos em periódicos, 15 capítulos de livros e 3 livros publicados.

Telas Gaudí Ind. Com. de telas e Materiais para Pintura Artística
Rua Cabral, 291 - Bairro Rio Branco - Porto Alegre/RS
51 33333294 - 91074429 

Fwd: [Nucleodecultura] Informe Núcleo de Cultura - Maio 2013

Confira as atrações do Núcleo de Cultura para o mês de maio!


Núcleo de Cultura
Centro Universitário Univates
Rua Avelino Tallini, 171 - Caixa Postal 155
Lajeado - RS
Fone (51) 3714-7000 Ramais: 5362 e 5326

Nucleodecultura mailing list

Telas Gaudí Ind. Com. de telas e Materiais para Pintura Artística
Rua Cabral, 291 - Bairro Rio Branco - Porto Alegre/RS
51 33333294 - 91074429 

quarta-feira, 24 de abril de 2013

Fwd: Cinema, Livro e Fotografia!

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Quer saber mais detalhes deste eventos? Acesse: www.fccanela.com.br

Curta nossa página no Facebook: facebook.com/fundacaoculturaldecanelapage

Telas Gaudí Ind. Com. de telas e Materiais para Pintura Artística
Rua Cabral, 291 - Bairro Rio Branco - Porto Alegre/RS
51 33333294 - 91074429 

terça-feira, 23 de abril de 2013

Fwd: Pantocrátor Gallery Shanghai / Next exhibition, opening April 20 / Pierre Chaumont "Since we last spoke" 自从我们上次谈话

Upcoming exhibition in Pantocrator Gallery Shanghai. Pierre Chaumont
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Pierre Chaumont

"Since we last spoke" 自从我们上次谈话

Resident artist April 2013

saturday, april 20th from 2pm until 6pm

4月20日 / 周六 / 下午2 - 6 点

from april 20th until may 2th 
4月20日 至 5月2日

For this series, Pierre Chaumont is using to create works a traditional Japanese craft called kumi himo which consists of tying a thin silk lace for it to form an organic or geometric shape (circle, ball, leaves, etc.) in a harmonious way. Originally it was believed that in every knot God was present and even if nowadays it has lost this meaning you can still find it for important events like wedding, funeral, child's birth or starting a company. For him, it conceptually represents a way to highlight events in a community or individual's life. In a mixture of drawings, sculpture and video, he explores the possibilities of this technique to translate intangible moments.

This exhibition is possible in part with the help of The Conseil des Arts et Lettres du Québec.

艺术家Pierre Chaumont 借助了日本传统手织腰带绳手工艺创造出一系列利用丝绸细带编织成有机或者有序的形状,比如环形,球形,树叶等等...在古老的最初,每个绳结都代表一个 神.甚至在今天那些绳结已经丢失了原本的意义.但是在一些重要的活动中, 婚礼,葬礼,生日,开业...依然可以见到他们的身影. 对于艺术家来说,这是一种概念化标志社团的重要活动或者个人生活的重要时刻. 借用混合绘画,雕塑和视频,他试图探索了用这一古老的编织技术转化这些无形时刻的可能性.

The Conseil des Arts et Lettres du Québec协助本次展览


Samuel Sarmiento

Samuel Sarmiento, from Venzuela
Resident artist April
- May 2013
Upcoming solo exhibition, May 2013


Ameet Gill

"Cord and Discord"


saturday, May 4th from 5pm until 8pm
4月20日 / 周六 / 下午5 - 8 点
from May 4th until May 12th 
5月4日 至 5月12日

Bringing the contradictions of the society forward, symbolically representing beautiful rhythm and cord followed by discord, thus creating a viscous cycle overstepping all borders, where power have been used and abused... The beautiful cord of rich heritage and nature turning into discord. On the flip side the realization that contradiction is the power and beauty of universe - opposites not only exist but flow hand in hand and absolute harmony for example feelings of happiness and sadness, bravery and fear, leading to an understanding of darker forces like lust, greed, hatred as being the cause of Discord.

"Where there is discord, may we bring harmony" - Margaret Thatcher.

The medium used by Ameet to develop her artworks is wood, oil paints, wax, resin, 24 carat gold and reviving old techniques of gold leafing/ encaustic in contemporary style. 
Living a rich artistic and observant life has made her realise the impact of our carbon footprint.  
Nature has given the gift of beeswax; the perfect medium for my biodegradable mixed media work. Encaustic is an ancient art, originating form 100-300AD Egypt and Greeks. Wax can be colored with pigments, hardened with resin, poured into slabs, sculpted, painted and used to preserve. The colored melted wax flows toward each other, connecting color and shape, layering and revealing in the process.


"La Pan Stage" Shanghai

Pantocrator Gallery through its residencies programs, seeks to strengthen intercultural relations between artists of proven track record and emerging artists from different parts of the world.
During all the year, 2 selected artists residents, working in the area of the gallery, for a period of 1-2 months for each artist.
Artists can work in any medium they desire, from painting, collage, video, digital art or sculpture to the transformation of their study in an installation or operation of the area. 

These artists will exhibit and create new work in the gallery as their studio. 

The gallery is open to the public to interact with artists and see work in progress.
More info
Copyright © 2013* Pantocrátor gallery, All rights reserved.

Shanghai. China
M50. Moghanshan Rd. Bld. 4B 105. 200060

中国上海市M50, 莫干山路4B栋楼105室 200060

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Telas Gaudí Ind. Com. de telas e Materiais para Pintura Artística
Rua Cabral, 291 - Bairro Rio Branco - Porto Alegre/RS
51 33333294 - 91074429